While braces have advanced significantly over the years, they can’t change the size, shape, and positioning of your jaw itself. When your smile problems are rooted in your jaw, Rad Orthodontics offers surgical orthodontics to correct them. To learn more about what this process entails and how it can improve your smile and bite, call one of the offices in College Park, Potomac, and Bethesda, Maryland, or book an appointment online.
What is surgical orthodontics?
Surgical orthodontics is a treatment that addresses jaw problems. While noninvasive orthodontics (braces or clear aligners) can dramatically reposition your teeth in your mouth, it doesn’t have the ability to change your jaw itself.
That’s a problem for many people. If the top and bottom arch of your teeth don’t line up correctly, don’t close properly, or are too long or too short, you’re left with problems. Not only does this affect the appearance of your smile, but it can cause your teeth to wear improperly. What’s more, it can cause jaw soreness. Fortunately, with surgical orthodontics, or surgery to correct your jaw problems, the Rad Orthodontics team alleviates these issues and beautifies your smile.
Who is a Candidate for surgical orthodontics?
Rad Orthodontics only recommends surgical orthodontics for people whose jaws have finished growing. Jaw growth is usually complete somewhere between the ages of 16–18.
If our team has the opportunity to see patients before jaw growth has stopped, they may be able to apply treatments that guide proper jaw growth. This helps their younger patients avoid surgery.
But once the jaw has finished growing, surgical orthodontics may be the best way to correct issues. The team at Rad Orthodontics always tries to avoid surgery for their patients, often recommending advanced orthodontics when it can help to correct the jaw issue. But in some cases, surgical orthodontics is necessary.
If you do need surgical orthodontics, don’t hesitate to talk to your Rad Orthodontics provider about any questions or concerns. They prioritize your comfort before, during, and after your procedure.
What should I expect from surgical orthodontics?
Your Rad Orthodontics provider talks you through your specific procedure so you know what it entails. After surgery, you have a rest period that usually lasts a couple of weeks. After that, your Rad Orthodontics provider may further fine-tune your smile using braces or aligners. This final step of treatment usually takes a year or less.
At the end of your treatment, you’ll have an even bite, a comfortable jaw, and a stunning smile.
To learn more about what surgical orthodontics can do for you, call Rad Orthodontics or schedule your appointment online today.